Home Timeline Stories 2020


Set up a sister Company – Gifel Asia Pacific Pte Ltd for joint venture businesses in China.

Successful soft launched our first tea-infused beers at Cuisine & Wine Asia 2020 : Melon Oolong Pale Ale and Lemongrass Detox Lager. Project development with Sons & Sons Pte Ltd.

Introduced our HPP bottled beverage and tea cordials to the HORECA industry and retail segment. Collaborative partnership with Juicy Folks Pte LtdBoxgreen Pte Ltd and Changi Prison Complex.

Re-introduced nitro brew tea, in collaboration with Common Man Coffee Roasters.

Invited by World Gourmet Summit to be jury panel for World Gourmet Award 2020 (Formerly the Awards of Excellence) in PROFESSIONALS (Chef), Professionals (Service), HORECA, Wine & Bar, and Gourmet F&B category.

Our director, Ms Gigi Ng, joined as founding committee of Specialty Tea Association Singapore (STAs) to set policy and grant support for tea industry via Government; be the industry voice to government support; promote tea education to consumer; bridge local & foreign venture; unite tea industry; and groom talent within the industry.

Interviewed by CNA938FM on our collaborative partnership and community works we did to support the local businesses and personalities in Singapore to overcome Covid-19.

Launched of and through Shopify platform.

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